Assaf Center Mall

Location: At the main entrance to Assaf Harofeh Hospital and the Tzrifin military camp Description: A commercial center and a boutique hotel "Sadot Hotel" with a total area of about 10,000 square meters, including a parking floor, a commercial floor, and service floors. Among the tenants: McDonald's, Steimatzky, Fox, Aroma, Discount Bank, Yahav Bank. For more details for Assaf Center Mall, call *5115.


Office floor: 1,500 square meters (gross) for offices and clinics - the possibility of division.

Advanced Planning

Distinct architectural language

High Finish

High-quality living environment

A variety of new projects

High Technical Specifications

Quality construction

Meeting deadlines

High standards

Nationwide deployment

Contact the Sales Office

For details call now: 5115 * or leave details and we will get back to you soon!

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