Our Projects

About the residential projects

New apartments for sale directly from the contractor - Meshulam Levinstein Residential Group

Our company builds and markets new apartments and new projects in Israel and around the world. All the projects sold are the result of advanced planning, high-quality construction, in addition to adherence to schedule setting, within a given budget framework, and in all execution obligations. Over the years, our company has managed to maintain the high standards that have given the Levinstein Group a great reputation and established its position as a leading group in its areas of activity.

At the bottom of the page, you can be impressed by our range of projects and read more relevant information about each project. Need more information? Contact our sales office and we will be happy to help with any issues or questions.

Our Projects
Selected Projects

Zichron Yaakov 16 | Tel Aviv

SOHO – Tel Aviv

HaMeri 58 | Givatayim

Migdal HaTzuk II | Park HaYam, Netanya

Maccabi Jaffa project

Sde Dov project

Givat Shmuel project

Beit Horon Complex, Ramat Gan

GAYA - Gan Yavne

Bloch 22 TeL Aviv

Levinstein in Nahalat, Rishon LeZion

Netanya Cliff Tower

Hatahana Complex | Lod

The Etzel Complex | Rehovot

Levinstein Neve Gan, Ramat Hasharon

Levinstein Yoq'neam - Bayit bahoresh

Nofei Caesarea - North Or Akiva

Art Towers - Holon

Ilanot - Holon

Mad Building - Tel Aviv

Levinstein in Kadima Zoran

Buchman - new projects in Modiin

Zipor - Modi'in

City Garden– Modi'in

Borochov Gardens – Givatayim

Kiryat Hasavyonim – Yehud

Kiryat Bialik’s Rakafot Hill neighborhood

Har Homa - Jerusalem

Levinstein Tower in Gani Tikva

Levinstein Nof Bereshit -Great quality of life

Levinstein in the village - new apartments in Kfar Yona

Levinstein Shoham

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