Urban Renewal

Promoting and obtaining building permits in the shortest schedule

Urban Renewal - TAMA 38

The Levinstein Group executes and implements the national outline plan – TAMA 38 from the testing and planning phase, to the execution, management, and final stages. The group has over 75 years of experience, the group initiates, builds, and has proven knowledge and capabilities in the execution of hundreds of projects and thousands of housing units throughout the country. The company offers the initiation and implementation of construction evacuation and construction projects and TMA 38, which includes specific inspections for each building, engineering and architectural planning, promotion and obtaining building permits in the shortest schedule, strengthening the building and building additions at the highest level, all with full financing from the company without any financial cost on the part of the tenants.

37-39 Brodetsky Street, Tel Aviv

25-29 Reading Street, Tel Aviv

Poalei HaNamal Complex, Ibn Gvirol, Tel Aviv

22 Bloch Street, Tel Aviv

14-28 Daniel Morits Street, Tel Aviv

16 Zichron Ya’akov Street, Tel Aviv

5 Herzog Street, Tel Aviv

Levinstein in Antigonus - Renovating the old north

Amoraim 3-9, North Tel Aviv

Ibn Gvirol Port Workers' Complex, Tel Aviv

Smats 4, Tel Aviv

Adirim Rama Neve Sharet, Tel Aviv

Evacuation of Shikun Darom - Herzliya construction

Professor Schur 5-7, Tel Aviv

Beit Horon Complex, Ramat Gan

140 Ibn Gvirol Street, Tel Aviv

25-27 Bnei Moshe, Tel Aviv

9 Gliksberg Street, Tel Aviv

11 Yehuda HaMaccabi Street, Tel Aviv

25 Lessin Street, Tel Aviv

Wolfson Complex, Tel Mond

Herut Complex, Ramat Gan

119 Namir Road, Tel Aviv

6 HaNahar Street, Ramat Gan

HaEtzel Complex - Rehovot

מעבירים אותך לאתר הפרפר

אתר הפרפר הוא אתר חיצוני שאינו באחריות החברה ואינו קשור אליו. לחברה אין כל קשר לפעילות שלך באתר הפרפר והוא אינו אחראי בשום צורה לשירות שאתר הפרפר מציע, לפרטים ולתכנים המוצגים באתר