Beit Horon Complex, Ramat Gan

Levinstein will complete an urban renewal project with around 343 apartments in the Beit Horon Complex adjacent to Bialik Street in Ramat Gan. The project includes the demolition of nine 3-4-storey buildings with 119 residential units, and building 4 residential buildings with 343 apartments in total, two 10-storey low-rise buildings and two 21-storey high-rise buildings. The project spans an overall area of around 6 dunams in the area covering the streets Beit Horon, Ma’ale HaTzofim and Ma’ale HaZvi, adjacent to the intersection of the streets Bialik and Jabotinsky in the city center. The high-rise buildings will be built facing Beit Horon Street, and the low-rise buildings will face Ma’ale HaTzofim Street.

Advanced Planning

Distinct architectural language

High Finish

High-quality living environment

A variety of new projects

High Technical Specifications

Quality construction

Meeting deadlines

High standards

Nationwide deployment

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